Webmaster Note: Due to Tom's passing, purchasing is no longer available. These have been left here for historical sake.
Texting Gospel Tract - Business Card Size |
Debt Free Gospel Tract - Baseball Card SizeYOU ARE IN DEBT TO GOD
The Bible asked this question, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36) you might be debt free or even financially successful; however, the Bible states that you are in debt to God. “It is written, THERE IS NONE RIGHTEOUS, NOT EVEN ONE… For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:10, 23) Your debt to God must be paid. WHY ARE YOU INDEBTED God has written His Laws, the Ten Commandments, on our hearts. So when you face Him after you’ve taken your last breath would you be innocent or guilty? Have you violated any of them? 9th, ever lied? If yes, you’re a liar, 8th, ever stolen anything? The value doesn’t matter. If so, you’re a thief. 7th, Not to commit adultery, or sex before marriage? Before you answer, Jesus stated that if you look with lust, you have committed adultery already in your heart. (Matthew 5:28) If you have broken just one, then you’re a law breaker and God must punish you! (James 2:10) Your punishment would be Hell! For eternity! HOW TO BE DEBT FREE Your only hope before you take that last breath, admit what you’ve done and place your trust in the fact that Jesus paid your debt by giving His life for the crimes that you have committed. REPENT, turn away from those sins and sin no more! (John 8:11) (John 3:16) (Eph. 2:8-10) Read the Bible daily and obey what it says. If God has revealed this truth to you please let me know, go to: www.tillthenetsRfull.org |
Million Dollar Gospel Tract