Thomas L Fusco died on November 3rd 2022
This website will be maintained by a friend for as long as it's practical.
Share your faith, Simply Effectively & Biblically -- like Jesus Did!![]() As Christians we are all called by the Great commission to spread the Gospel to the world, however, how many of us who call ourselves Christians actually do as our Lord commanded us to? Each of us has busy and active lives with all the attendant trials and daily tribulations of life, and the thought of reading the Word to others is not high on our list of priorities, and even if it was how do I do it? The answer is not an easy one, but it can be. The Biblical principal used in the Way of the Master, videos, books and unique Gospel tracts, affords a means to spread the Gospel that is not only Biblically based, also uses the Ten Commandments, (Psalm 19:7), (which even the most ardent agnostic will begrudgingly be able to recall), to plant a seed that may grow and change the life of another.
The Way of The Master is a useful and powerful Evangelistic tool that can be a useful starting point to get others to think about eternity as well as begin to ask about the message of Jesus Christ. The purpose of this site is to train Christians to reach out to non-believers and overcome the barriers that prevent the message of Christ from being proclaimed. The most important day of your life will the day of your death. Think about that. On that day, nothing else will matter except what you have done for God and where you are going. Your house, your car, your money, your sports will mean nothing on that day. You will be leaving time and entering into eternity. Meditate on that breath-taking moment. In the exhale of one breath, you will leave everything you love. Your spouse, your family, your loved ones. Everyone! Tonight, God could say to you, "This night your soul is required of you." Let such sobering thoughts consume you. Let them drive you to use your life for what matters, to reach out to the unsaved and make a big dent in this sinful world. There goes another minute. Gone forever. Come, learn how to, "Go" share your faith Simply Effectively & Biblically, while you still have time. My Journey Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
My 3rd BookMy 2nd BookMy 1st BookQuick Resources:Seattle Evangelism Trip180movieAbout Tom...I asked someone if he would respond to my famous 7 words: Could he tell me "What He Sees In Me"? To my surprise he wrote this out on a napkin!
Mark 16:15 And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. |
Luke 10:2 And He was saying to them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. |
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." |
Charles Spurgeon stated: "I do not believe that any man can preach the gospel who does not preach Law. The Law is the needle, and you cannot draw the silken tread of the gospel through a man's heart until you first send the Law to make way for it". |
If you feel uncomfortable with sharing and would like to learn... Click below to find out how attend a free evangelism seminar. |
When you read what Jesus said, what do you think He was asking of those of us who claim Him as Lord & Master to do?
Sharing the Gospel in Tochigi Japan Jan. 2008Catherine and I have been blessed by God to be able to go to Japan to Spread the Gospel. As you know Japan is dominated by two major religions, Shinto and Buddhism.
Saturday Night at Mill Ave, Jan. 2012 |
Sharing the Gospel at Niagara Falls June 2008 |
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