Evangelism... Not My Job

This photo was taken after an Arizona Dept. of Transportation employee painted a new center line on Arizona State Road 85 in Litchfield Park, AZ.
Imagine if a man let a neighbor's child drown in his swimming pool while he polished his car. His defense in court was that he didn't want to leave his car to save the child because he didn't want to ruin the vehicle's shine.
If we allow another human being to die when we have the ability to save them, we are not only morally responsible, but we are guilty of what civil law calls "depraved indifference." The crime of "depraved indifference" is very descriptive. Depraved means it's about as low as a human being can go, and indifference means that someone couldn't care less. That's what you and I are like if we profess to be Christians, and yet have no concern for the eternal salvation of those that are around us. We are saying "Evangelism is not my job," and we are therefore guilty of depraved indifference. It's about as low as we can go when we don't care about the fate of the unsaved. Love could never be so cold-hearted as to shine a car while a child drowns, and love cannot profess to know the love of God in Christ, and be unconcerned about the fact that those who die in their sins will end up in Hell.
If you aren't horrified at that thought, how can the love of God dwell within you? Charles Spurgeon said, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that." So if that describes you, please, go somewhere quiet and ask God to forgive you for such a crime. Then plead with Him to give you a love that will swallow your fears, and a gratitude for the Cross that will forever banish indifference and help you to "seek and save that which is lost" as Jesus did.
Then may I suggest something that will help you overcome your fears and reach those you love with the gospel? It's a teaching called "Hell's Best Kept Secret." Perhaps you are afraid to share your faith because you don't feel equipped. That's understandable. Arm any soldier with a feather duster and push him into the heat of modern warfare, and he's not going to be very courageous. However, if you give him state-of-theart weapons and teach him how to use them, those weapons will give him courage. "Hell's Best Kept Secret" will put a state-of-the-art weapon into your hands. It will give you courage. Simply watch Hell's Best Kept Secret. As you will see, the teaching has been commended by many Christian leaders -- and it's free. It won't cost you a thing. You will never regret it. Watch it now. Thank you for taking the time to read this. May God bless you, Tom Fusco.
This copy was taken from LivingWaters.com and revised
Imagine if a man let a neighbor's child drown in his swimming pool while he polished his car. His defense in court was that he didn't want to leave his car to save the child because he didn't want to ruin the vehicle's shine.
If we allow another human being to die when we have the ability to save them, we are not only morally responsible, but we are guilty of what civil law calls "depraved indifference." The crime of "depraved indifference" is very descriptive. Depraved means it's about as low as a human being can go, and indifference means that someone couldn't care less. That's what you and I are like if we profess to be Christians, and yet have no concern for the eternal salvation of those that are around us. We are saying "Evangelism is not my job," and we are therefore guilty of depraved indifference. It's about as low as we can go when we don't care about the fate of the unsaved. Love could never be so cold-hearted as to shine a car while a child drowns, and love cannot profess to know the love of God in Christ, and be unconcerned about the fact that those who die in their sins will end up in Hell.
If you aren't horrified at that thought, how can the love of God dwell within you? Charles Spurgeon said, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that." So if that describes you, please, go somewhere quiet and ask God to forgive you for such a crime. Then plead with Him to give you a love that will swallow your fears, and a gratitude for the Cross that will forever banish indifference and help you to "seek and save that which is lost" as Jesus did.
Then may I suggest something that will help you overcome your fears and reach those you love with the gospel? It's a teaching called "Hell's Best Kept Secret." Perhaps you are afraid to share your faith because you don't feel equipped. That's understandable. Arm any soldier with a feather duster and push him into the heat of modern warfare, and he's not going to be very courageous. However, if you give him state-of-theart weapons and teach him how to use them, those weapons will give him courage. "Hell's Best Kept Secret" will put a state-of-the-art weapon into your hands. It will give you courage. Simply watch Hell's Best Kept Secret. As you will see, the teaching has been commended by many Christian leaders -- and it's free. It won't cost you a thing. You will never regret it. Watch it now. Thank you for taking the time to read this. May God bless you, Tom Fusco.
This copy was taken from LivingWaters.com and revised